Petra Dömling, designer tedesca, propone questi romantici gioielli dove la perla impreziosisce delicate incassature in argento spazzolato, quasi una nuova galvanica dal sapore metallico ma al tempo stesso sensuale.
Questo e altro nelle prossime uscite redazionali dedicate a Première Classe e Tranoi a Parigi, visitate per voi lo scorso weekend, stay tuned!
Paris, Première Classe, is the pearl the new hero in jewelry?
Petra Dömling, German designer presents these romantic jewels where the pearl adorns delicate settings in brushed silver. It seems a new plating with a metallic hence sensual appeal.
This and more in the next advertorials devoted to Première Classe and Tranoi in Paris that I visited expecially for you last weekend, stay tuned!